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1. The DNA and RNA molecules are which one of the following four macromolecules?

a. nucleic acids (long chain of nucleotides and base pairs)
b. lipids (fats)
c. carbohydrates (starches, sugars, glucose)
d. proteins (long chain of amino acids)

2. Cells package their DNA very carefully into a specific structure. This structure, which makes it possible to separate DNA precisely during cell division, is called which one of the following?

a. chromosome
b. chlorophyll
c. chloroplast
d. carbohydrate

3. The human genome contains approximately 3 billion base pairs, which are contained within how many pairs of chromosomes?

a. 23 pairs of chromosomes (total of 46 chromosomes)
b. 46 pairs of chromosomes (total of 92 chromosomes)
c. 92 pairs of chromosomes (total of 184 chromosomes)
d. none of the above

4. Two of the 46 human chromosomes contained in a typical human diploid cell are "sex chromosomes" that determine whether an individual is male or female. Which one of the following is correct?

a. If the two sex chromosomes are XX the individual is a female
b. If the two sex chromosomes are XX the individual is a male
c. If the two sex chromosomes are XY the individual is a female
d. none of the above

5. All human cells carry which one of the following?

a. one X and one Y chromosome
b. a pair of X chomosomes
c. at least one X chromosome
d. at least one Y chromosome

6. The laboratory process of joining together DNA sequences from two different organisms for the purpose of producing useful new genetic combinations (for agriculture, science, or medicine) is called which one of the following?

a. Genealogical DNA Testing
b. DNA Transcription
c. DNA Mutation
d. Recombinant DNA

7. Enzymes are essential to cells since they speed up the rate of chemical reactions. Enzymes are made of which one of the following?

a. proteins
b. lipids
c. nucleic acids
d. carbohydrates

8. What process best explains how a nerve cell and a muscle cell can both develop from the same fertilized egg?

a. differentiation
b. natural selection
c. selective breeding
d. genetic engineering

9. Differentiated, specialized cells develop from which one of the following?

a. stem cells
b. liver cells
c. dead cells
d. white blood cells

10. In the field of genetics, the difference between "phenotype" and "genotype" is which one of the following?

a. "Phenotype" is the physical characteristics of an organism, while "Genotype" is the genetic makeup of an organism.
b. "Genotype" is the physical characteristics of an organism, while "Phenotype" is the genetic makeup of an organism.
c. "Phenotype" and "Genotype" mean the same thing.
d. None of the above.

11. Any specialized structure that performs important functions in eukaryotic cells (such as, chloroplasts, lysosomes, and ribosomes) is called which one of the following?

a. cytoplasm
b. organelle
c. lysosome
d. nucleus

12. The cell organelle that stores materials such as water, salts, proteins, and carbohydrates is which one of the following?

a. cytoplasm
b. lysosome
c. mitochondrion
d. vacuole

13. The organelle found in plant cells that holds the green pigment chlorophyll and uses the energy from sunlight to make food (glucose) is which one of the following?

a. cytoplasm
b. chloroplast
c. cell well
d. nucleus

14. The part of eukaryotic cell division during which the nucleus divides is called which one of the following?

a. mitosis
b. cytokinesis
c. meiosis
d. mitochondria

15. The part of eukaryotic cell division during which the cytoplasm divides to form two separate daughter cells is called which one of the following?

a. mitosis
b. cytokinesis
c. meiosis
d. mitochondria

16. The organelle that acts as the powerhouse of the cell by changing food (glucose) into energy (ATP) for the cell is which one of the following?

a. mitochondrion
b. chloroplast
c. ribosome
d. nucleus

17. For a scientist studying the movement of water into and out of the cell through the cell membrane, which of the following is the best description of osmosis?

a. Osmosis pertains to RNA mutations and has nothing to do with the movement of water or salt.
b. Osmosis will cause water movement such that the salt concentration will become very high on one side and very low on the other side.
c. Osmosis pertains to DNA mutations and has nothing to do with the movement of water or salt.
d. Osmosis will cause water movement such that the salt concentration will become equal on both sides.

18. Which one of the following is the correct equation for cellular respiration?

a. Oxygen + Glucose -----> Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy
b. Oxygen + Glucose + Energy -----> Carbon Dioxide + Water
c. Carbon Dioxide + Water -----> Oxygen + Glucose + Energy
d. Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy -----> Oxygen + Glucose

19. Which one of the following is the correct equation for photosynthesis?

a. Oxygen + Glucose -----> Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy
b. Oxygen + Glucose + Energy -----> Carbon Dioxide + Water
c. Carbon Dioxide + Water -----> Oxygen + Glucose + Energy
d. Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy -----> Oxygen + Glucose

20. Which of the following are prokaryotes?

a. Animals & Plants
b. Protists
c. Fungi
d. Bacteria

21. What is the complementary DNA strand for the following strand of DNA: AGC CAT GTA TAC ?


22. The sequence ATA GCA CAT GTA makes up a segment of DNA. What is the mRNA sequence transcribed from the DNA segment? (Remember that mRNA will not have any "T" since the "T" is replaced with "U" in all RNA sequences.)


23. What is the result when a single cell undergoes mitosis and cytokinesis?

a. four cells with half the genetic material of the parent cell
b. four cells with genetic material identical to the parent cell
c. two cells with genetic material identical to the parent cell
d. two cells with half the genetic material of the parent cell

24. What is the result when a single cell undergoes meiosis?

a. four cells with half the genetic material of the parent cell
b. four cells with genetic material identical to the parent cell
c. two cells with genetic material identical to the parent cell
d. two cells with half the genetic material of the parent cell

25. Enzymes are made of proteins. Which best describes the important role of enzymes in cells?

a. biological molecules that slow down chemical reactions in cells
b. biological molecules that speed up chemical reactions in cells
c. biological molecules that make up the subunits of DNA
d. biological molecules that make up the subunits of RNA

26. Protein is made up of which one of the following?

a. amino acids
b. glucose
c. nucleotides
d. fatty acids

27. The molecule that makes a copy of the DNA information (transcription) in the cell nucleus and then carries this information to other parts of the cell is called which one of the following?

a. ATP
b. ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
c. transfer RNA (tRNA)
d. messenger RNA (mRNA)

28. The molecule that carries the correct amino acids to the ribosome in order that they can be combined to form protein (protein synthesis) is called which one of the following?

a. transfer RNA (tRNA)
b. glucose
c. ribosomal RNA (rRNA)
d. messenger RNA (mRNA)

29. Enzymes are made up of which one of the following?

a. carbohydrates
b. proteins
c. nucleic acids
d. lipids

30. What is the function of autotrophs in the carbon cycle?

a. to use oxygen to produce glucose
b. to take in excess water
c. to feed on herbivores
d. to use carbon dioxide to produce glucose

31. The three stages of cellular respiration are ____________ .

a. glycolysis, Krebs cycle, electron transport chain
b. producer, consumer, decomposer
d. mRNA, tRNA, rRNA

32. When a football defensive lineman picks up a fumble at the other team's 20 yard-line and tries to return it for a touchdown he quickly runs out of breath (limited oxygen) after only ten yards and desperately needs which one of the following to provide additional energy to his muscles since the available oxygen has been mostly used up in cell respiration?

a. RNA mutation
b. alcoholic fermentation
c. DNA mutation
d. lactic acid fermentation

33. People use which one of the following to make alcoholic beverages?

a. RNA mutation
b. alcoholic fermentation
c. DNA mutation
d. lactic acid fermentation